I made some updates in red that I remembered and added another picture (Edited 1/1/07)
I have been blogging on and off for a year now - and what a year it's been. Let's do the usual wrap-up and review shall we:
December - the first posts on this blog are about having my adenoids out and the happy pills for New Years. This year I have left over happy pills from giving birth and then some... Mom had also just had her surgeries.
January - Eran went to Israel to visit and it was the first time I was home with Yoni alone - now I hardly ever am alone with just Yoni, I get to contend with Yael too. I wanted Eran to take Yoni to Israel and the family wanted to see him too, but Eran was too afraid that Yoni would miss me too much (or something). Yoni started at the JCC after being at La Rochelle Academy and Yael will start there in a few days.
February - Birthdays galore! Eran's 28th and then Yoni's 2nd birthday. 
We kept it small and did it at school with the teacher they had fired in the middle of the year. Then we did Chuck-E-Cheese with Brian (for his birthday too) and the family when he came home from school. 
And when Eran came back from Israel we got pregnant.
March - Sam's B-day and Purim - Yoni wore his devil coustume from last Halloween (we didn't go out Trick or treating cause 1. it was yucky out and 2. he cried the whole time we tried to put the costume on and 3. we (Israelis/Jews) don't do Halloween)
Here's Yoni "helping" with our shalch manot
April - Yoni's first surgery - tubes in his ears (He had them put in at Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital). They are BLUE and every doctor who I forget to tell that he's had them put in (several at TCH - Texas Children's Hospital) checks him and comments about their surprise. At this point the anaesthesiologist and ENT suggested he might "have a touch of pneumonia" and gave me oral antibiotics for him in addition to the ear drops, leading me and the pediatrician to think all was under control.
May - How wrong we were! Yoni got REALLY dehydrated and sick with a pretty serious case of pneumonia (according to the pulomonologists we saw - not the worst case they had seen, but pretty high up there) and was in the hospital for 8 days :( Guess we should have listened to the other doctors and had an x-ray sooner rather than later.

June - My B-day came and went. And we had the wedding season. We spent $300 each on clothing that we wore to several different affairs over the summer - Eran got a tailored suit and tie and I got several nice evening tops that I'll never be able to wear again since I was pregnant and HUGE in the boob department (even more so than usual) We did get to see the Rosenblatts and Druyans for the first time in forever and we got to meet Sarah Rochel in person and not just read about her exploits
July - Did we see fireworks at Sugarland, or was that the year before?
August - Still pregnant, still hot in Houston. Yoni is still coughing some dry coughs and ocaisionally throws up from the coughing spells.
September -
Yoni went for his check-up at Labor Day with the pulmonologist and had an x-ray that landed us in the hospital again. Three weeks this time! Almost daily X-rays with a pregnant mother (meaning I couldn't be inside the room when they did them).
Recap: Chest tube in - scary doctor freaks us out that this may not work. CT scan to see that it really didn't work. Maybe a larger size tube will do the trick? Since we're already sedated, I'll just put in a second tube to make sure we get the job done this time. Still no success with both tubes. Guess we'll have to get that pneuomatocele out of there. Lung surgery. Operation. Such a mess of that lung tissue - we'll just take the whole right upper lobe. Three days later, we're finally home!!! Good thing kids are so resilient - wish moms were too! How could we forget the year anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina (and Rita) and 5 years since September 11 - we watched all the TV specials in the hospital on all these events. It was surreal
October - For Mom's birthday we did not-so-yummy-as-real-birthday-cake sugar-free cherry pie since we found out that Aunt Carol is diabetic. We skipped Halloween this year (partly because last year he put up such a fuss about the devil costume, but) mainly because Eran feels like it is not a Jewish holiday thing (we're American now-he'll learn) and mommy was too tired too stress about it. He probably still could wear last year's devil costume [which he did wear for Purim]
November - Yael Netanella Namer 
(insert more cute pics here-blogger won't cooperate) made her debut with her arrival on Nov 7th (Safta Yosefa's birthday too) and life as we knew it changed forever. We got to see lots of family - which was awesome! Yosefa and Avi made their first visit from Israel, and Sam and Carlye got to meet their new niece and to see their nephew. We also spent our second Thanksgiving in Lafayette with the Louisiana family. Now it's tradition!
December - Shopping, shopping and more shopping! I did a lot of shopping during November too when the in-laws were here, but this month I was a little more responsible and had to do it with all of the other holiday shoppers. I can't remember a time in my life where I went shopping almost everyday for something or other, I guess Grandma Eleanor, my favorite shopaholic, would be proud. My post-maternity wardrobe is nearly complete. I still favor skirts for work, but now I have a new pair of jeans too.
Well this is it, the end of my extended chofesh (vacation) for maternity leave and my being home with the girl all the time. I'm sad already, but really looking forward to going back to work too.
Note to my loyal readers: As you can see, I took some time a while back and made some changes to the look of the blog site. Sorry if you don't like it, but comments are always appreciated. And I've been working on this post for a week now, so please give me feedback!!!