Bathtub baby

Yaeli-la-la as I sometimes like to refer to my baby girl, is a woman on a mission. According to Grandpa Grizzly Beard, {who is not always the most observant as far as childhood milestones go}, she has learned locomotion in reverse – the first step in becoming a moving menace [How’s that for alliteration?]
Here’s a picture of her first real bathtub bath with momma freaking out nearby. Big brotha Jonathan just has to be part of the action. Then I decided that she was not secure enough in the 2 feet of water in the tub with her brother lovingly hugging (squeezing) on her and I hopped in there with them to hold her better - fully clothed (ok, I was still wearing some clothes, anyway). This pic makes it look like we're in jail, but really it is just a better way for us to get in and out.
Here’s a picture of her first real bathtub bath with momma freaking out nearby. Big brotha Jonathan just has to be part of the action. Then I decided that she was not secure enough in the 2 feet of water in the tub with her brother lovingly hugging (squeezing) on her and I hopped in there with them to hold her better - fully clothed (ok, I was still wearing some clothes, anyway). This pic makes it look like we're in jail, but really it is just a better way for us to get in and out.