Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mother's Words of Wisdom

You are paying the doctor lots of money to worry for you.
Do what you can, but let her get gray over it.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


So Michael Duke's mother is married to the only Jew in Houston who has committed to wearing a cowboy hat all the time - not just during the rodeo. How do I know this?
Well, the Meyerland Minyan gala event was held during rodeo season in Houston and I just happened to sit at the table next to the gentleman wearing a black cowboy hat. So out of nosy curiosity I asked Mr Levy if he was affiliated with the rodeo since I noticed his hat. His answer was yes, he did support the Houston Rodeo (read monetarily, I'm sure-he's a big wig with the Jewish Herald Voice, which I also didn't know) but that he chose to wear a cowboy hat year round. I forgot his exact reason, but it makes a definate statement and I sure won't forget him anytime soon.

Speaking of the Rodeo, Eran and I got to see a show this year at the 75th annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. There were some tickets from a vendor floating around at the office for the "Sugarland" show and I snapped them up. We even got a parking pass. Here's the thing. When I took the tickets I didn't know who we were going to meet and greet, where we were going to be sitting or that parking passes are hard to come by. We parked in the Teal Lot - two steps from Reliant Center, directly across the street (parking pass alone worth between 75-105 bucks) We went in the arena and up the stairs with the masses until we got to the third floor. Then we looked at our seats. They were for section 202. Look at this map. We were in an unmarked section that turned out to be a private booth party complete with food (bar-b-que, of course, roasted peanuts, etc) and an open bar and several flat screen tv screens, etc, etc. We ended up at a private party for a vendor that we work with. It was great fun. Eran was in awe. I was quite enjoying myself as well. We met the president of the Louisiana based company and his Houston salesman Ken Rothstein. He has to be one of the only Jews in Louisiana in the oil bizness. Since I read all the reports daily that come in from the field, I recognized the name of the company and look forward to seeing Ken again when he comes to the office. Then they had an ice cream cart with souveneir cowboy hats as bowls that we got to take home

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Been busy

Just a little note to say hi to blogger-land and to admit that we have been busy leading our lives, not leaving much time for blogging.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Yael went on her first buggy ride at school this week. And the daycare ladies still fawn all over her, its even a little embarrassing already. For example, they mentioned that she only had winter clothes in her cubby for changes and that I should really bring some lighter stuff for her. One of them even commented "Don't make me go to the store!" Every day I dress her in a onesie and something on her legs and I think that maybe they wait till I hit the parking lot to strip her down to just the onesie and sometimes the socks.
  • Jonathan's has been a little pukey lately, and struggled for a long while with a barky cough, but we are overcoming those hurdles by giving him more medicine and a little more to drink and hoping for the best. Meanwhile his doctor gave him a stronger dose of steroids so as to avoid us going back in the hospital. So far so good. Kudos to the pulmonologist!
  • He has also MOSTLY mastered the art of using the bathroom - at every opportunity, in every public place we go. Of course he sometimes misses the toilet and pees all over his feet and shirt and shoes and socks - so even if we make it to the potty, we sometimes still need a wardrobe change.
  • We had class pictures at school and I remembered to send my kiddos in cute outfits, although my daughter was wearing a cute little hat that made her look like a silly little stupid orange flower.
  • Eran and I endured the Magic of Meyerland Minyan 6th year anniversary Gala Dinner. It was actually quite nice, a silent auction, live music, kosher fleshig buffet, free drinks, some honored guests, lots of chit-chat, the usual drill. And I sat at the table next to Michael Duke's mom - what a blast from the past and such a small world. Guess I do know people (and have connections from way back when) and when the time comes I should be able to get our article for Aleh published in the Jewish Herald Voice. Remind me to post the story about the rodeo and how it relates to the dinner.
  • We survived 2 Pesach seders (me and the kids while Eran "went to English class") We were invited to share them both with Aunt Carol and her father and the kids' grandparents, with other assorted family and guests. Thank goodness for the 4 cups of wine to get us through this stressful year.
  • That was also the week I found out my blood pressure was through the roof - so much so that the doctor put me on medication immediately. But since I am my mother's daughter, the doctor ran an EKG in the office and changed the dosage of one of the meds before I even finished paying my co-pay and making my next appointment. Luckily, she reduced it to half a pill a day so I could make them last longer. But it is to bring down my pressure and to stave off my recurrent migraines and I hate the fact that I am ONLY 32 and have to be taking BP medication!
  • Eran basically singlehandedly moved our apartment (with some muscle help from his friends - many thanks to Ben and to Ariella for sharing him, Javi, George, David, Brad, etc...) and right before Pesach - this is becoming a trend, the second time we have done that...Boy were my parents sick of me and my kids.

And the biggest news...
  • Jonathan had his first haircut, and he looks like a different kid!
It was really much ado about nothing as I finally decided on Easter Sunday that it was enough already. I sat him down on a chair on a towel, grabbed the kitchen shears (the ones that are made to cut through chicken bones, but have never seen anything tougher than twine) and snipped away all his beautiful ringlets :(
He has one small spot that is slightly bald and one side that is longer that the other since he got wiggly towards the end, but I must admit that he doesn't look like I took a soup bowl to his head - I did alright for my first (and hopefully only) attempt at a haircut. Lets see if Eran will let me at him with the shears :)
I promise to post more pictures soon....