Friday, December 07, 2007

Did you hear the one about the "upscale" New York grocery store that advertised ham as a Channuka food?

I can't make this stuff up...See for yourself.'s

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Chanukah, oh chanukah...

After eating some latkes and fried chicken (it goes with the theme),
lighting the first candle on the Menorah,
singing some Chanukah songs
and getting the good gifts out of the way early,
we went and torched Yoni's new beautiful grey winter coat on the flaming menorah - oops!

The miracle was, he wasn't wearing it at the time!
But it is pretty much ruined.
I think he wore it a total of 3 times
and it had lots of life left and room for him to grow

I'm tired of Chanukah already and we have a whole week to go....

Can anyone tell me how you make a 3 year old sit still long enough for guitar lessons?

Aunt Carol ROCKS!!!
She found Yoni a rock star guitar with an amplifier (we're not using that-EVER!) and a microphone and stand.
Plus she got Yael a touchy-feely cloth book and a relatively quiet duck clacker, its still a clacker.

Pics/video to follow when gramps downloads them.
Did you know (or care) that the iTunes store has free Sesame Street downloads...where am I gonna put em all?

Monday, December 03, 2007


I'm such a geek.

I was flipping through the channels and landed on Channel 8, public television. This group Bowfire was playing and I mean they were ROCKIN'!!!

They're Candian mostly, but we'll forgive them as they were AWESOME stage show for virtuoso strings and fiddlers and just throw in some Celtic dancing for good measure.

They're playing the Beacon theater in New York on April 28, 2008 and if you have any way to get there to see them it is totally worth it!

The TV show was electrifying, can you imagine what it would be like in person?
Support the arts and have a good time doing so!!!!

Oh and as an aside, today was my first day on my new job...
We had an employee meeting this morning in our new space - where our engineering bullpen will have 2 flat screen TVs for starters and there are to be no cubicles on our floor as far as I can tell - goodbye CUBE FARM!
Now if I can just head off my co-worker at the pass and not get caught in the same old "territorial biddy" trap and be misreable from the start, all will be well with the world.