my Hurricane Ike story in a nutshell
This is the message I sent to some of my work colleagues:
Our Houston office is finally back open for business. The office had power but low water pressure last week, so they kept most of us away till today.
We were truly blessed here in Houston. At the very time of the storm we were moving out of our apt and into our new house that we just bought in August and everything worked out very well. The four of us (myself, husband and 2 small kiddos) spent our first night at the house on the night of the storm. The apt sustained some serious water damage (and soon had mold growing on the ceiling-just great for my respirator-ily challenged son), but my not so for my neighbor [who shares a staircase] Her bedroom roof was blown away and the ceiling collapsed - so we were also lucky there. The apt had power pretty quickly, but only our section of the complex. So since all the furniture and most of our other belongings were already at the new house, we just slept on the floor in the apt enjoying the AC, a small television [that ran the news most of the time and PBS for the rest], picnic meals on the living room floor, and shuttling back and forth between houses. I had been living at my parent’s for the previous week or two. The kids’ school is still without power so that is another major challenge. Their schedules are all off and they are mighty sick of grown-ups and yard work.
The new house dodged a bullet as the tree limbs that fell, fell in the yard. In my parent’s neighborhood, there were a few trees that fell ON houses and toppled over with roots and the sidewalk intact and blocked the roads. Needless to say, they are without power and lost all their food in the fridge/freezer. They moved in with us to be in the AC and to use the stove and fridge. The new house got power back on Friday afternoon. Those of us fortunate enough to have power are feeling guilty for enjoying it while so many others are without, but we are sharing with family, friends and neighbors as much as we can.
Yesterday my Aunt and cousin came back from Austin and moved in with us too. They had a downed power line on their roof and a fire to go with it till the power went out at their place. So I am back to sleeping on the floor in the kids’ room - my aging parents naturally need the bed, and my aunt and cousin got the couches, and the kids need the comfort of knowing we’re nearby. We’re definitely a full house, but we are lucky that we don’t have serious damage to contend with.
Hope all is well with you all. Be in touch.
What I didn't mention to my colleagues is that we got power at the house at about 2PM on Friday, which gave us enough time to prepare for Shabbat and warm dinner which had been shipped in from New York. We had also offered some friends to keep their freezer running at the apt, but they opted to travel to Dallas for Shabbat instead. I truly believe that Eran was right in not removing the mezuzot from the apt until all our stuff was out and for not letting us sleep in the house until all the mezuzot were up there as well (2 days before the storm, and after we had the kitchen kashered) He just knew that it needed to be that way! AMAZING!