Having twins it seems like whenever one is sick it is impossible to keep the other one away from getting whatever it is. For example, Ben caught the stomach bug that was going around a few weeks ago. (TMI alert - I'm sorry) He was vomiting a lot and then we couldn't keep a clean diaper on him since he had such terrible diarrhea. It was awful! About 3 days in, Daniel started with the diarrhea. He must not be a puker because I remember it being much less violent with the vomiting from Daniel - despite the one day where I had them both puking on me one after the other and almost at the same time.
We finally saw the end of it, after Zofran and pedialyte and a few thousand diapers...and now we are battling a new set of illnesses.
After this long President's Day weekend where we spent it mostly outside in the sunshine of a Mardi Gras parade, Daniel came back like myself, pretty well sun burnt on his little cheeks and forehead. Ben had a little redness in his cheeks that went away (kinda like wind burn)
Ben has been coughing pretty bad at night, waking himself and me up. So I give him the cough medicine he has from the trip to the clinic when I was sure he had pneumonia. But then in the morning there is maybe a short coughing spell and then he is on his way, playing, eating what he wants which is not necessarily what I want him to eat, and generally making mischief as he does.. I am so confused, why they don't present with the same symptoms...What is up with that???
Daniel has been waking up with goop in his eyelids (sometimes gluing them shut) and a stuffy nose for a few days now. He is teething - getting in the 4 or more teeth that are left, simultaneously - and he has been biting other kids at school (despite the oragel they have and the teether I just sent in and the cold milk and juice they keep giving him) so I would also expect some of his inflammation to be from that. But the allergens are also very bad and he is not coughing so I give him some allergy meds and send him on his way.
So today I get a text message from school today that BEN has pink eye (at 3 PM) mind you when he is supposed to be coming home soon anyway. I message back that I am calling the dr and that someone is on the way to get him - both of which are true.
But it kills me - did we move them too soon from their previous daycare situation? It seems like on the one hand they have had a lot of illnesses that they didn't have previously and there are also the issues of the biting. But on the other hand. I expected some of this even though Yael is exposed to a lot of the same germs being at the same school