Just putting it out there
I sometimes start posts and then don't finish them and then don't post them - sometimes cause I wanna keep things to myself and sometimes cause I never finish the thought and sometimes just because.
But for my friends who are blogging daily for a month straight...more power to ya!
Today I got to thinking about a few things. I have been rather on the downtrodden side (critical of myself as musicians and artists tend to be) lately. Then I realized something while reading Miriam the Mommy's post about her daughter's school sending home a weekly newsletter. Her 3 year old was learning about counting the omer (the time between passover and Shavuot when we were wandering the desert and awaiting the big reveal of the Torah and our eventual entrance into the Promised Land) Granted my kids are learning about it too, but it is not something that I process on a daily basis as I most likely should. It was also maybe more apparent because I started seeing the inevitable Lag B'Omer invitations reminding me that we are indeed counting the omer. But I digress (as usual)...
What it reminded me was that I am a proud possessor of a Jewish neshama (a Jewish soul) and sometimes that soul knows things that even my conscious, day to day consciousness is unaware of. Apparently, my inherent soul is having a hard time with the omer. (In addition to being hard on myself mentally for a lot of little things, I am also feeling poorly physically - my BP is high and I am not caring as much as I should about keeping the sodium levels in my diet low (I have been eating popcorn lately which I know is a bad choice for me, and I haven't been drinking my requisite amount of water to keep me properly hydrated [I drink easily 2 liters during a typical workday, but really don't find the time to do so on my days off or over the weekends] - so when that falls off, my body starts freaking out a little bit)
Not to mention the round and round discussions we are having about what to do about education for our kids next year and eventually down the line. We know we want to have a Bar Mitzvah (B"H - the kid is only 8 now) in Jerusalem, but how is that gonna happen - we haven't worked out the details...This topic is another one that I wish I wasn't faced with making all important decisions right now...Seriously.