BDE אריק אינשטיין Arik Einstein

HaDassah Sabo Milner
feeling sad

An adventurous tale of the happenings and musings - or lack thereof - in the lives of Mommy Brenda, Abba Eran, Jonathan (Mr. Yoni), Princess Yael, and twin babies Daniel and Bejamin Namer {from The Mommy's point of view, of course}. This is a work in progess - like everything in our lives
Posted by brenda at 11/26/2013 03:23:00 PM Labels: feed perspectives
My youngest Ben was Shabbat Abba this week. I dutifully appeared at the class half an hour early because I heard quarter after 11 instead of quarter to 12. So around 11:40 the Shabbat Ima's family (the Topeks-who I grew up knowing and whose older daughter is also the same age as my daughter) started showing up. First the momma (who also joined her daughter on the carpet on the floor) Then the dad and then the grandparents. We were all there in time for a song or two, and then the whole Shabbat Party parade, and of course the unpacking and consuming of the lunch.
So after Ben's lunch got underway, I found myself hanging out in the office debating with myself if I should go visit Daniel in his class since I had spent the better part of an hour with Ben in his class. Even consulted the head mistress and secretary on their thoughts. Knowing my child (Daniel and his unpredictable OCD or clingy tendencies) and them knowing their particular staff personalities, we agreed that it was probably better that I didn't go in to say "hi" since they had already started their lunch. Then one of Daniel's teachers popped in the office and saw me standing there. She causally mentioned in that condescending way of hers that it was "too bad" that I hadn't come in to their class earlier since Daniel was the Shabbat Abba today. My heart fell...
Not only was I the only one who showed up for Ben when ALL the adults in the other girl's family showed up, NO ONE had showed up for Daniel. Not one single person. And to make matters worse, I was already present and available, which is a lot for a working mother of 4. So I made sure Daniel didn't see me and I slinked away.
I cried in the car outside the school. I cried on the phone to my husband when I told him. I cried (and screamed in frustration) all the way to my next destination. I even cried a little bit at the bank later in the day.
So glad each class posted these pics. Same, but different...
Posted by brenda at 11/25/2013 11:19:00 AM
Posted by brenda at 2/20/2013 09:11:00 AM Labels: feed perspectives