English is hard
2 stories about my super 5.5 year olds
Ben turns into a superhero everytime he runs anywhere. :)
Daniel insists on volume control of the car radio. His most recent description is to lower up the music. He means to turn up the volume. So adorbs.
In case you were under the impression that English is an easy language to learn, let me put your fears to rest. We were visiting the restrooms in a public place. They were clearly labeled as Men and Women. Daniel and I were discussing the two rooms
He got that the mens room was for boys. And that the women's room was for girls, but he couldn't find the correct words on the signs. The Men's room didn't say boys and the Women's room had men as part of it's label. Why wasn't it the GIrls room so he could find a G or the Ladies room? So as a distraction I tried to point out the letters that he did know from his name. N E ... no go. The signs used all capital letters and he is used to writing and seeing his name with the capital D only. English is hard to learn. Even for a native speaker (or mother tongue - and there is a difference)