See what I posted in response to the questions:
How many brothers and sisters do you have? Do you have a good realationship with then? why and why not?
An adventurous tale of the happenings and musings - or lack thereof - in the lives of Mommy Brenda, Abba Eran, Jonathan (Mr. Yoni), Princess Yael, and twin babies Daniel and Bejamin Namer {from The Mommy's point of view, of course}. This is a work in progess - like everything in our lives
See what I posted in response to the questions:
How many brothers and sisters do you have? Do you have a good realationship with then? why and why not?
Posted by brenda at 2/26/2006 08:07:00 PM
Yoni is becoming very independent.
On the day he wanted to wear a tired yellow and navy shirt with faded blue and green pants and brand new bright red socks (nothing matched anything else!) he decided to do 2 more embarassing things...
#1 crap all over the place when his change of clothes went home with another little boy a week earier (when Mr. B decided to do the same thing)
He sat in diapers while the teacher had no choice but to wash and dry all his mismatched stuff - including his shoes:
(How she gets him to take them off is beyond me, My little hobo will usually only go to sleep if he is either wearing or clutching his shoes for dear life)
#2 bite another classmate...
on the back... hard!
hard enough to break the skin and draw blood (The other boys' parents had to send Neosporin to put on it)
And taking Yoni to restaurants is another challenge...
He ends up mostly playing with the food and not eating much. Most food stays on the table, but a lot ends up on the floor. Also, if he dislikes a food he lets you know by removing every little bit from his plate to the table. And if he happened to accidentally take a bite, he makes sure to inform you of his opinion of it by noisily spitting it out and making faces.
But on the plus side... He does like to give random kisses, a lot of them, and for no reason other than he wants to (or if he thinks he did something bad and he wants to get back in your good graces.)
And he doles out hugs for just being there to pick him up from school in the afternoons.
Oh, the myriad joys of having a 2-yr old.
Posted by brenda at 2/23/2006 11:23:00 PM
Where do I start?
We had Eran's birthday last week and I was at the grocery store every night for different things each time. He turned 28 uneventfully, but I forgot to get him orchids
(See this "anniversary" gift list for what I mean)
Next comes the big
for the little man.
I'm still having issues with my co-worker only now, we are frostily silent to each other. Right now I think I'll just keep pluggin and chugging and letting her take responsibility for EVERYTHING that could possibly go wrong, since I am not going anywhere at the moment and don't feel like having a confrontation just now. Basically, I feel like I am stretched too thinly to try to take on a new position right now.
So there you have it!
Posted by brenda at 2/23/2006 10:07:00 PM
I hope you made it to the store to get your apple juice and kleenex. Sounds like what Yoni and the other tykes need in school everyday. Now you can't say I didn't update you.
Posted by brenda at 2/23/2006 10:00:00 PM
This weekend was jam-packed; Mondays are Mondays - always rough to play catch up on daily reports from the weekend. And Tuesday is Staff Meeting Day. I usually skip out, but I have ben feeling so lost lately that I thought I should make an appearance and figure out what is coming down the pipeline. For some reason it was extra long today and took a big chunk out of my day.
Add to all that the fact that Eran in only feeling about 80% physically healthy since his return and depressed about not working yet, and that now Jonathan is sick (cough, runny nose, general malaise) too, I am super stressed out - AGAIN!
last Sunday - Super Sunday at the JCC - fundraising event making calls for several hours; I figure, I may not be financially able to contribute at present, but I can certainly volunteer a few hours to make some phone calls
Monday - I wanted to go to a class given by our Rabbi, but I did laundry instead
Tuesday - follow up phone calls for Sunday
Wednesday - New Year, New You: Image consultant - actually quite interesting as a new networking opportunity with other female Jewish professionals (some are moms too) in Houston
Thursday - Paid a shiva call that went longer than expected. Was also supposed to go to a meeting at the JCC for the Early Childhood Development Committee, but I ran out of energy.
Friday - Rockets v Seattle at the Toyota Center - lots of energy, but draining.
Saturday - Went to services for the 1st time at our new shul's location. Then we had an oneg in honor of an engagement. We didn't get home till after 2PM. Then later that night we had a dress-up affair honoring people for their commitment to the shul on its 5th birthday.
The super-woman who organized this event must have been even more stressed than me:
1. Super Sunday at the JCC: she was co-chair
2. It was her son's engagement party at Shul on Saturday
3. She was the person responsible for putting together the shul's 5th b-day honoree evening event (also on Saturday)including publishing a program and putting togethera dinner and coffee and dessert for 300 people.
this Sunday - Superbowl, was there even a football game going on?
We went to a party for most of the game action [a friend of mine from work invited us - it was mostly people from her church - good thing I brought cokes and diet drinks instead of beer] and we left sometime around 8:30 only to stop at another house in our neighborhood toward the end of the game. I got lost (of course) going to the original party and drove around for over an hour.
When do I get a chance to
My face and neck are so broken out it is ridiculous! And if I see another gray hair on my head I am going to scream!
Plus Eran is upset about the state of the house and the lack of cooperation on the part of his fly-by-night Israeli friend who he thought was going to be his business partner, or at least give him the opportunity to work for him.
Posted by brenda at 2/07/2006 10:12:00 PM
So on Friday afternoon my boss comes to me with 2 tickets in hand for the game that evening and offers them to me if I promise to use them. Eran is sick mind you, but I accepted them without a 2nd thought. It was only when I looked at them that I started to get excited. They were $85 apiece! So I went to the Toyota Center website to spot our seats...we were in section 114, right behind the basket.
When we got to the game, I led Eran to the seat and as we approched the seats in row G, 7 rows off the court, his incredulous comment was, "Where are you taking me"
So despite his being sick, he was very excited. We were able to watch the game and he didn't need binoculars at all to see it - we were that close - thanks to oil company "kickbacks". And I got to play with the thundersticks that they put on the seats in those sections throughout the whole game! It wasn't even a very interesting game, but who cares - Luckily we won - something like 100 to 70, or it wouldn't have been so much fun. It turns out that the last NBA game I took us to see, according to Eran, was also against the Seattle Sonics - go figure.
Now he has a request for tickets to see Indiana. Apparently, one of the players is a former Macabbi Tel Aviv player and he wants to make a big embarssing sign that says thank you.
When we got back to pick up the Yoni, we happened to catch a sports highlight reel of the game on a local TV news broadcast. And I caught a glimpse of my VERY bright salmon colored sweater, which leads me to believe we were probably glimpsed on TV throughout the game. Another exciting element to the story of the free tickets to the game.
Next up...Aeros tickets for Sam-O's B-day. And I've invited "Non-Sequiter Man" and "Super Survivor" to go with us (me, Eran and Yoni). So help me if they embarass me...I don't know what I'll do
Posted by brenda at 2/05/2006 11:59:00 AM