Embarassed much?
Yoni is becoming very independent.
On the day he wanted to wear a tired yellow and navy shirt with faded blue and green pants and brand new bright red socks (nothing matched anything else!) he decided to do 2 more embarassing things...
#1 crap all over the place when his change of clothes went home with another little boy a week earier (when Mr. B decided to do the same thing)
He sat in diapers while the teacher had no choice but to wash and dry all his mismatched stuff - including his shoes:
(How she gets him to take them off is beyond me, My little hobo will usually only go to sleep if he is either wearing or clutching his shoes for dear life)
#2 bite another classmate...
on the back... hard!
hard enough to break the skin and draw blood (The other boys' parents had to send Neosporin to put on it)
And taking Yoni to restaurants is another challenge...
He ends up mostly playing with the food and not eating much. Most food stays on the table, but a lot ends up on the floor. Also, if he dislikes a food he lets you know by removing every little bit from his plate to the table. And if he happened to accidentally take a bite, he makes sure to inform you of his opinion of it by noisily spitting it out and making faces.
But on the plus side... He does like to give random kisses, a lot of them, and for no reason other than he wants to (or if he thinks he did something bad and he wants to get back in your good graces.)
And he doles out hugs for just being there to pick him up from school in the afternoons.
Oh, the myriad joys of having a 2-yr old.
1 comment:
I want to see a picture of that adorable 2-year-old in his Brooklyn shirt playing with his birthday present! He's such a cutie! It's good that he's starting to get independent...sounds like he's taking his style of dress from his colorblind uncle!
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