I finally deliver the promised goods
So maybe it took awhile, but here are the promised pictures from the Fall Festival.
And again - comments on our cuteness are always appreciated!
Unfortunately, I only had a few pics left on my Fun Saver camera or I surely would have snapped some of him at the petting zoo and with the pregnant goat too...Oh well.
Childhood memories -
No one would know from this picture that a cute, blonde pre-teen girl helped Mr. Independent get up to the topbut he didn't need any help coming down - Cowabunga Dude!
Aunt Carol - Thanks for spotting so we didn't roll off the side! And for holding the cherry red snowcone which of course we ended up spilling all over your shirt later anyway
So, what do you call those bouncy things - a moon walk? ....
We were not so big on the bouncy thing as our plain jumping up and down on the ground still leaves a lot to be desired - coordination is just not quite there for those muscle groups yet, I guess, since running in circles can sometimes still prove to be a challenge.
How apropo though - this moon walker, bouncy thing was an orange striped tiger - our Namer family mascot :)
Here's Bubbe in the front by the eye of the tiger
And a very pregnant Mommy at the back by the tail - And how do you like our orange balloon sword to match?
And what would a day at the park be without a trip or two down the slide?
This one made Mommy cringe when we got to the bottom and the gap between the slide and the ground was way too big for Mr. J to navigate - and so he landed with a pretty hard thud on his diapered butt - great padding - not even a bump in the road for this rambuncious kid
Good thing Aunt Carol was there to dust Jonathan off though, since Mommy just couldn't get there fast enough or bend down to pick him up.
It sure didn't bother him much though, he was off to do it again and again and again and even knocked some bigger kid out of the way on the way down.
You just gotta love 'em and the crazy things they will do to make your heart leap out of your chest!
Nice of you to finally put up a pregnant picture just mere hours before you delivered!
ummmm . . . aren’t you missing some more recently delivered goods?
check out the pictures at www.gracefullysocial.blogspot.com/
Cut me some slack man...
That's probably the only pregnant picture I have - I never got copies of the ones from the baby shower
These pics were posted only hours before my beautiful daughter made her debut - more to come on that front.
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