Little Mt. Vesuvius
So we're at a birthday party - the fourth one this month - for one of Jonathan's classmates at a fun place called Pump it Up! with inflatables for the kiddos to climb and slide and jump on.
We make it through all of the jumping and climbing and general mayhem with no injuries or upsets to all these 2-1/2 and 3-yr olds and their siblings.
Then we get to the pizza and cake stage. All the kids sat down and had pizza (a classic kid favorite) put in front of them. My child won't touch it. Then he doesn't want the juice boxes either - he wants Abba's water. So then he complains (my kid SO doesn't usually complain) that his tummy hurts - twice to his Abba and then he wants Mommy. Meanwhile, thankfully, Yael has recently fallen back asleep - so she is peacefully resting in her stroller/car carrier.
Then it was like a scene from The Exorcist. Yoni threw up everywhere.
I caught the first bit in my hands thinking that it would be a small episode that and we would be done - boy was I wrong! Thankfully the other mothers were quite calm about it. Someone found a paper plate for him to throw up on and a huge roll of paper towels and Sani-Wipes. And most of it got the floor and on his clothes.
Of course, the child that was sitting next to him and got the brunt of the show was the son of the most neurotic mother there - and also she happened to be some sort of adolescent doctor. She was pretty calm about Yoni - otherwise I would have totally lost it. As it was, I was pretty mortified. I had Eran take him out of that room as fast as I could to contain the screaming Yoni and make much less of a scene as I could. It was awful! But obviously not the first time the staff has had to go through this as they had a mop in there pretty quick.
Needless to say, we skipped the singing and cake part of the party. We took our 2 books as a party favor and got the hell out of dodge. Meanwhile all Yoni wanted was new pants - despite the fact that his shirt was entirely covered.
We obviously made a bad choice to go this party in the first place.
Yoni had not been feeling well that morning and he got overheated and threw up early that morning. Then he choked on some Frosted Flakes and spit up a little then too. But I knew how much he loved jumping on that inflatable at the carnival last week that I thought he would enjoy it with kids his own age and his friends. To top it off, it was a dreary day and he didn't get to go do anything fun outside after the party.
Also, earlier in the weekend, he took a rather harsh tumble and I was worried about a possible concussion. I guess if you can survive childhood, life is good.
My poor little boy :(
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