Hasbara in the Private Sector of Corporate America
So Jan 5, 2009 was the first day back to work for many folks in the West after what seemed to me like an eternity of holidays and time off...We did go to South Texas for a week and have Chanukah celebrations with some friends, but then Israel went to work in the Gaza strip and tried to ruin our vacation, pretty hard when I was adamantly refusing to even look at the computer, my main source of news.
On that first day back to work, I had a chat with my immediate supervisor. It went something like this:
ME: Glad to see you, I'll be in my cublicle listening to the war if you need me.
BOSS: Oh, OK. How is that going anyway?
ME: [with lights in my eyes] There is a real serious fire fight going on right now - it's dark over there you know.
BOSS: Oh. And how is the price of oil? [I work in Oil & Gas don't forget]
ME: I think it's going up.
BOSS: Then let em at it. As long as it keeps the price of oil up and saves our butt {and keeps us working.)
Did I mention my boss is one of the real good ole boy network? The economic downturn has really hit us hard since the price of oil fell from $90 when we were proposing budgets to when the bottom fell out and we were scrambling to get all the production volumes up.
So on that first day back to work, I spent the whole morning with an earphone in my ear listening and watching the Israeli TV reports of the up-to-the minute fighting. And I still managed to get my work done too...Glad we women can multi-task so well.
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