Friday, November 02, 2012


Nov 4: Thankful for family, far away family
Like the kind that have a baby and make me an aunt again and I don't even have to get him a present this week because I won't get to meet the gorgeous child for quite some time yet.
So for those not in the know, my sister in law had another gorgeous baby boy via c-section. He is beautiful and both are doing well, thank G-d.
they have had the bris (which was another hotbed of drama) and Shai is now the newest member of our extended family.
Can't wait to eventually skype with them and finally get to "meet" him and hear his cries and see his tiny little fingers and face.
Photo: ‎אבא שלי סנדק...איזה כבוד! מזל טוב למשפחת איטח :)‎

Here's a pic of the little man, my newest nephew Shai, being held by his maternal great-uncle Ovadia Saadia.

There seems to be another spate of babies to go along with the recent spate of funerals that have been happening. Glad to be having happy life-events rather than sad ones.

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