The saga continues...
Is there a reason you felt the necessity to forward my confidential self-appraisal to your computer on the day my daughter was born?
An adventurous tale of the happenings and musings - or lack thereof - in the lives of Mommy Brenda, Abba Eran, Jonathan (Mr. Yoni), Princess Yael, and twin babies Daniel and Bejamin Namer {from The Mommy's point of view, of course}. This is a work in progess - like everything in our lives
Is there a reason you felt the necessity to forward my confidential self-appraisal to your computer on the day my daughter was born?
Posted by brenda at 1/11/2007 07:38:00 PM Labels: work
Loyal readers of this blog now know my news - this post pretty much sums it up. It is the text to an email I sent.
There was no comment on this email I sent last night and generally no interaction at all today.
But at least now she knows I know.
Hence the GOTCHA!
Have you talked to a supervisor about this yet?
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