My biggest monkey
So Jonathan lost yet another tooth this week and I am still incredulous that I was the one who pulled it. Tooth Fairy was tired and not very creative so he got a $5-note and a note that had fives all over it (and 5 flossers and a pencil). The *5* theme was for the 5 holes currently in his mouth.
Then last night he had a migraine, poor kid - or maybe it was dehydration, or lactose intolerance, or not wearing his glasses enough - whatever, he spent an hour puking up his lunch later that night. Of course I tried to keep the other kids at bay, didn't happen so well. Closed the bathroom door and much screaming ensued from the other side. And at some points there was lots of wailing and screaming inside the bathroom as well. Finally we got his clammy body under the shower for a minute or two then got some tylenol down him as well as a few sips of water, and he fell asleep sitting up in front of the porcelain goddess wrapped in a towel. We eventually got all the others out of the way and got him off to bed (with a trash can, just in case) You would think he was a college kid in a dorm room experiencing his first drunken, overindulgent party [Can't wait for those calls]. But no, he's my special 8 year old who must have over done it (again), whatever "it" was.
But even more impressive was that he just called from the grandparnents crowing that he learned to ride his bike [after grandpa removed the training wheels and inflated the tires]! (12:30 in the crazy Houston heat) Still has what to work on (getting on, turning, stopping) but he is such a great kid! So being the mom that I am, I heartily congratulated him and then admoinished him to drink something. Of course I meant water. well he goes to get a bottle of tea. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. that stuff dehydrates you. So I approve a bottle of powerade as a subsititue, still suggesting the water option. He pushes for the powerade, which we don't even have often in our house. Then it comes to light that he and his sister are eating a bowl of ramen noodles for lunch. With that going in their system, the need for electrolytes from sweating is greatly decreases since there is all that sodium and proceesed stuff that my system can't take anymore in those noodle bowls.
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