Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Guest Room no more.

We have outgrown our current bed room situation (the twins sleeping at the foot of my bed, sometimes even in their own toddler beds rather than between us and/or on my head) and have made the former guest room into a bedroom for the littles that will soon morph into a study for Yoni as well. And I'll be covering the mirrors with a curtain of some kind as soon as I can figure out how to do so.

I even had the opportunity to tell my mother in law this morning, on her daily call looking for her son who won't answer her calls because his ancient flip-cell phone (that he won't part with) isn't working, that when she comes to visit she and Avi won't have where to stay by us. She didn't seem too broken up about it.
But that also means that my brother and his family also won't have where to stay if they want to come play with (just) us for a weekend. :( Guess we'll have to re-invest in blow up matresses for my kiddos to sleep on.
And when my brother and I get together, for some reason lately, we stay up much later than we should - especially knowing that we have toddlers (and others) that will be needing attention a very few hours later...

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