Nov 8: Grateful for being in a place where I am very Zen about some very stressful issues. It almost feels like the normal stressors that affect my life have been magically stripped away and that I am having unusual clarity in seeing things clearly. In observations I have made regarding a school situation, the executive director said something that could have been taken quite offensively in that he was impressed by the intelligent things we had to contribute to the conversation. I suppose that because of the audience which involves a surgeon, a pediatric neurologist, a Rabbi and a teacher, as well as 2 stay at home moms and my husband and myself, I guess this could have been a backhanded compliment since he is a rather brash individual. I did not take offense and was actually pleased at the level-headed back and forth that we were able to achieve. It's almost as if a certain calm is pervading my deameanor by divine intervention.
In addition to the school drama, there has not been a lack of family drama either. A birthday and a baseball game culminated the end of a very long day. I was beat and couldn't keep my eyes open even though we had family over to celebrate. I even took being hung up on multiple times in stride. I kinda know what my dad must feel like when I can't even listen anymore...
I am grateful for this zen feeling and hope it stays around awhile.
In other related news, my stomach issues have seemed to iron themselves out for the most part and I am learning what will and will not be tolerated by my currently fragile system. Unfortunately, all the healthy things that I would like to include in my diet are irritating. I am able to subsist on candy and cakes and sandwiches for now, but not for too long I hope.
I always said that eating healthy will kill you. I still search far and wide for the perfect greasyburger. Remember, when your grandfather was my age we had been dead for eight years.
make that "he"
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