Wednesday, May 09, 2007

ummm...trendy news?

My mother and I have started a trend.
I let her enjoy time with her grandchildren, but we take a leisurely walk around the neighborhood.
Once we stopped at the neighbors and once we took Yoni with us. So is 2 times enough to call it a trend. I hope the trend will continue cause its good for both of us.
It also only works because in Houston it stays light till almost 8 PM.
Otherwise we wouldn't be having so much fun. We did this once before with Jonathan so I could show her that it is possible to do this for her with Mr J only because you can easily distract him if she gets tired.
And it gets us both out of the house and off the couch. I can't speak for her, but I like it cause I feel good about having walked - if only around the block and only for a little while. That first step is the hardest one sometimes.
And we're eating healthier at work too. A bunch of us ladies have been bringing in a variety of salad fixings. This week's theme was Cinco de Mayo. This is now the 3rd week we've done it. It isn't going exactly as we envisioned it -I thought we would eat on it throughout the week, most people are doing it on Mondays and then not so much on Tuesdays and the rest of the week.
"Not so much" is my newest catch phrase lately.
The end.

Medication, and dry contacts, and a general stressiness at work and a lack of sleep makes me little less than coherent a lot of the time lately. . . oh well.

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