Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's just been that kinda day...
My personal family tree grows and grows and grows.

A girlfriend who had a Tulane connection to New Orleans who has always seemed sweet and nice and (attracted isn't the correct word, maybe drawn? to me).
Turns out Jewish geography strikes again.

My mother's father and her mother's father were related (either brothers or cousins - I missed that part) meaning that her mother and my mother were first or second cousins making us second or third cousins.

When I told my mom that Ruthie so and so is her mother, my mother said yea - Ruthie had twins. My friend is one of those twins and her twin brother just got married a few months ago.

Small world!

Then I called the neighbor lady whose kid is in Jonathan's class. Turns out she grew up here in Houston around the corner on Renwick. Another small world. And her Israeli husband grew up in Haifa and is going to Israel in March just like someone else I know - more on that later :)

Gotta go now and get the $$ to pay the sitter. Yuk!
Have a nice day and just remember what a small world we live in

1 comment:

Miriam the Mommy said...

Have you tried charting all of this at or something?