Thursday, December 07, 2006

Maternity Leave...Finally

So this is what being on vaction feels like - and its almost over :(
I'll probably be returning to work right around the first of the year 2007 or maybe the week between Christmas and New Years.

My in-laws returnd safely to Israel without too much trauma or drama on this end. They are of course sad about leaving but promise (or is that a threat) to come back in 2 years time.

I have been back to my office twice - once before Thanksgiving to pack up my stuff for the move and once more yesterday to check out the new digs and to show off Yaeli (of course) to all the others who didn't get to "ooh and aah" over her before Thanksgiving.

I am pretty excited about my new "office" on the 57th floor of the Wells Fargo Plaza. In this picture our new building is the green glass one and the old building is the pretty triangular pink granite one in the background on the right. There's a Hebrew phrase that loosly translates to "Change your location, change your luck"

I am down the row from the majority of people in the small cube farm and in a pretty resonable cube-space with a tall plastic tree just visible just over the top of the cube wall. And I'm across from the engineers with window offices - so that I can get an outside view when I need to. My favorite engineer who prefers to use his speaker phone for most calls and peppers his conversations with colorful Texas phrases like "we got a cat by the tail on this one" is directly across from me and "the whistler" is further down the row. My immediate supervisor is in the corner office next to the VP (in the other corner office) across from the small cube farm and far enough away from me not to interfere with my independence. And my least favorite person, as well as the girl they hired to cover me while I was out, are directly across from the supervisors - keeping them on a short leash. The only problem is that all the administrative staff people I could potentially learn things from are also located far away from me.

I am not sure what my duties will be when I get back, but I hope that the office location speaks loudly and that I'll get a chance to do other things and learn more.


Brian, The Ninja From Hell said...

It's an epidemic! Kids are using technology... to access the interweb! Can't wait to come home. Here's a little acronym to keep you busy- TOYOTA- Torturous On Your Old Tired Ass.


Anonymous said...

When are you going to post some new baby pics of Yaeli!!


Brian, The Ninja From Hell said...

Bah. I can't imagine having to drive from where you live all the way to downtown and back. EVERY DAY. I just thought of that, despite the fact that I read the post yesterday. Does that tell you something about my cognitive ability? It should.

Miriam the Mommy said...

Carlye, come on - what kind of mother posts new pictures every day?


Brenda, does your cube have walls, like could you stash the baby in there with you?