Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I'm in a creative frenzy. I am on the hunt for fun parve recipes for a lactose-intolerant toddler. I am starting with merengues and trying a tofutti cheesecake. I'll let you know how they turn out.
Also, my darling husband took 1-1/2 hours longer than he was supposed to in getting home thie evening, but he tried to smooth things over by bringing me a hot plate of couscous and vegetables which is all I ate while pregnant with Jonathan. Nice try, but I still had shopping to do and errands to run which is why I am blogging instead of cooking for the pot-luck dinner tomorrow night. I also managed to stop by the parent's house in the midst of their packing for their trip to Israel to drop off some clothes and to pick up some papers and to let the kiddos say goodbye (and Yoni wished them a safe journey all of his own accord - where did I get this special tzadikish boy?. Now I just need to get the $$ I owe Sam and Carlye deposited before my streak runs dry and I am officially broke.
Sorry for the dry spell, I will try to keep postin more often. I am hoping not to jinx the many things going on in my life by analyzing every detail and blogging about it, but at the moment, I am just trying to keep up and enjoy all the realizations that are coming with taking the time to decompress a little bit and not stress over everything.
At Work-newish company, new chain of command, new perspective, new colleagues, new outlook
more petty fights and irritating people to put up with and figure out

1 comment:

brenda said...

No more petty fights in the work arena as I outlived the reign of that queen bee...Lots of scuttlebutt around that one, but nothing solid.

Still owe Sam and Carlye $$, waiting on their other check to make the one big deposit - if you believe that one I have a bridge in North Dakota to sell ya

The cheesecake was a huge hit! Definitely doing that one again!Although we had 2 cheesecakes and a chocolate cake for after dinner that night. The next night it was fruit salad in a watermelon friends were impressed.