Thursday, July 24, 2008

Loved it

Like the tone of the post suggests the whole trip was fun, optimistic and upbeat (save for that 2 seconds I cried in the airport when they cancelled my flight after many weather related delays, because I was so ready to see my children who I had never left for so long in their entire lives)And we all have Eran and Senor Stew to thank for arranging such an AWESOME birthday surprise.
What Carlye also left out is that we also got a glimpse into her professional life by meeting one of her colleagues and a patient (albeit a brief encounter) and seeing the respect and affection they have for each other. We learned that since Sam has boycotted driving in NY we both shoulder much of the responsibility of driving our families around when we are with them. And that we are not visiting the pet store in the mall again because it makes us sad to see the aminals there and not be able to cuddle them.
Then we got to spend some Texas time with both Sam and Carlye over July 4th when we grilled and marinated some chicken for way too long (yes, in that order-it was a long weekend) after a whirlwind trip to the HEB. Lots of family fun (finally) as Carlye and I "sunbathed" (so neither one of us wanted to go swimming, since when is that a crime?), crocheted and watched Sam and Eran handle the swimming pool with the munchkins. We didn't quite continue the family photo tradition like we planned only because the Levine Jrs flitted in and out of Houston so fast on the back end of the trip that by the time we thought of it, it was already too late to make it happen.
In NY Carlye was {re-}introduced to the family habit of the women who talk in our sleep. Sam came downstairs and asked if I was sleeping and I told him that yes I was, but I could talk...and the funny part is that I remember that part of the conversation. Then of course he fed his cats cereal and I couldn't (in my brain-fogged state) fathom why he was still hungry...If dry cereal is good enough for my kiddos to eat on a sleepy morning, then why shouldn't Sam or his cats?

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