Sunday, December 06, 2009


Yoni was sitting on my lap today and asked how do you spell 100. So I spelled for him h-u-n-d-r-e-d. But that's not quite what he meant. He said no, Mommy, 1-??? so I clued in and started to say 1-0-0 when he got a case of the giggles and chimed in "1-0-armpit." Outta the mouths of babes.

And Yael has been hooked on a book that has a few nursery rhymes in it including Dinah blow your horn and Jack and Jill. The first one has I've been working on the railroad only Yael's improved version when she "reads" the book to herself is 'I've been working on the rainbow'
Then Jack and Jill go up the hill to get a "drink of water" and Jack comes down "with his crown" and Jill comes "running after him". I think I like her versions better.

And who can decide when I am Mommy and when I am Imma? It seems to be a lot more Imma lately. Not exactly what I chose for myself, but then Abba has become Daddy amonst the kid set when they refer to him. And he has always been Abba.

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