Friday, December 01, 2006

Baby Stats

Today Yael went to the doctor for her checkup. Here is the pertinent info including charts to track her growth

Weight: 8 lbs 8.5 oz = 3.86970991 kilograms
Height: 21 inches = 53.34 centimeters
Head Circumference: 14.5 inches = 36.83 centimeters

Next dr's appointment is in January when she'll get her next round of immunizations


Miriam the Mommy said...

Yikes!! According to that, SR is down to the 10th percentile!!

At least on the charts here she's still 20th or something...

brenda said...

Yeah - I seem to remember something about the charts being different when we first had Jonathan evaluated.

Maybe that's why they're concerned he's only in the 3rd percentile or something ridiculously low - but he did lose a lot of weight in the hospital before his surgery and was pretty bird-like when he came home. Now he's got some healthy meat on him and is now up to 25 lbs. If only we could get him to eat regularly and more than just hot dogs, cheese pizza or plain pasta. Luckily he likes his juice - heaven help us if we run out of juice boxes

Anonymous said...

you're funny, both of you.

Miriam the Mommy said...

Sam, one day we will laugh at you when you're calling the doctor because your baby had 35.5 cc's of milk today but only had 26.7 cc's yesterday and her left big toe's toenail is growing in crooked....

brenda said...

crooked toenails run in the family as do funky pinky fingers

Miriam the Mommy said...

Brenda, isn't maternity leave great? Once my parents left, I spent most of my time in front of the computer, holding an awake or sleeping (or nursing) baby and typing with one hand. It makes for good blogging, lemme tell ya.

Brian, The Ninja From Hell said...

I'm just glad I'm not related to you, Brenda. (No Offense) I'd be seriously miffed if I had crooked toenails or funky pinkies. Say hi to Stu and The Aunt of Marie for me.