Friday, February 10, 2012


Umma = mommy
Abba = Daddy
Agua = water to wash his hands in the faucet from the sink
Boo-boo = embarassingly this is what Ben calls it when he lifts my shirt to nurse. At this point it is more of a comfort / habit than a nutritional benefit for them, but other than times when I am already tired, I can't see this as a bad thing. I am not ready to drastically change my eating habits and therefore whatever calories are being burned to keep me as a milk machine I am not ready to burn off by exercise. Path of least resistance...

Touchdown = they raise their hands over their heads and it is recognizable as the word they are saying whenever sports are on TV. Amazing! This shot is in mid motion but now they both say it

Ben is actually naturally talented at throwing a ball and he even wants to be lifted to dunk the ball in the basketball hoop outside our garage on occasion.
Is it ingrained on the Y chromosome or something???
Here's a shot of Daniel at school.

There are obviously more that I can't think of at the moment but I will add them as I do. Feel free to remind me of more of them in the comments if you wish.

It pains me a bit that the twins don't have a recognizeable name (to me) for their siblings yet. Not Yoni, not Yael, and not their other twin or themself. They are not really communicating solely with each other with a twin languauge as far as I can tell either. There have been a few instances of catching them babbling to each other but it has been inconsistent and not repeatable at recognizable intervals.

Daniel will however, take good care of his younger brother. This pic was taken a day before Ben got really sick with a stomach bug. Daniel woke up a bit early and cuddled with him on his cot at naptime. I'm not sure if Ben would reciprocate if the tables were turned or would be busy with his own agenda.

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