Monday, October 16, 2006

Finally - MY turn ... well almost

Well - Jonathan has another check up tomorrow
- at the pulmonologist this time.

I would safely bet that we'll have yet another chest X-ray where a very pregnant mommy has to step out of the room to avoid irradiation of the fetus. And then maybe she'll (the pulmonologist) see that he's not really asthmatic since the stupid pneumonia and then subsequent pneumatocele caused all kinds of trouble.

Then the following day I get to go to my now weekly (instead of bi-weekly) doctor's appt. My office should be thrilled with me by now for taking so much time off! At least I am getting my reports out on the early side since I don't have a shadow right now; but the back-up thing - where I am training the new girl (that they hired specifically to do my job while I am out - I think) and one of the other girls (who is just not that interested in doing what I do) - to be my backup and get my reports done in a timely manner - it's just not going that well. I hope they can handle it (or improve on the labor intensity of my position) and that maybe I'll be free to do something else a little more meaningful (or at least less tedious) when I come back from maternity leave.

Last week I went to see my doctor and despite her disappointment in me for not doing the stupid glucose tolerance test, all went well. I only gained a total of 3 lbs since my last visit a month ago. Hospital food in Sept must have agreed with me. (I accidentally skipped my appts in Sept as I was at the hospital with Jonathan right after Labor Day and I was checking my blood pressure regularly at the hospital too. I thought one appt was on the 28th, but it turns out it was for the 21st when we were just recovering from surgery.)

And now I know that I am really in the home stretch.

According to the doctor, in my current state I could walk around like this for several weeks or go into labor in a few days time. It's all pretty lackadaisical from her point of view. And I am taking special pains not to do any unnecessary walking around so as not to encourage gravity to do its thing and pull this kid out early. [My slightly "hormonally-altered" pregnant brain remembers all the women in the hospital in Jerusalem that they told to walk around to help them go into more advanced stages of labor - so I am deliberately avoiding that walking around thing as much as possible] Do you see a pattern here????
***In all seriousness, at work I try to do all my printing at once so as not to have to walk to the printer multiple times since it's down the aisle from me and coincidentally located right next to the woman I work with who can't be civil and who harbors a mutual dislike for me. She also happens to be the one who works most closely with the same reports I do and seems to take sinister pleasure in making my life miserable (and lots of other people's for that matter).
***Also, it rained on Simchat Torah so we didn't walk to shul (like I was going to walk anywhere at this point - and most especially not in the rain!) and so we didn't take Yoni to see the dancing and general merriment. And that's a shame :( - although he did have a slight fever on Friday afternoon and he still has that nagging bit of a cough, though its definitely getting better. But he did make a flag at school and we sang "Torah tzivah lanu Moshe" while he paraded around the couch at Bubbe's house many, many times. So I think he got the general idea of Simchat Torah - anyway - he's only 2! (ok, ok - so he's closer to 3 at this point - bli neder)

All I know for sure right now is that my in-laws from Israel will be arriving (if all goes well on their first flight to the USA or anywhere for that matter) on November 9th and will be here till after Thanksgiving. And I would prefer that this baby come closer to their arrival date so that I can take full advantage of them being here in our tiny apt with a new baby too. Sarcasm?!, I think NOT!

In case you were wondering - we did the American thing and registered for a whole bunch of baby stuff. Eran is very superstitious - so that means no baby oriented stuff can come anywhere near me or our apartment until the baby arrives - so as to stave off the evil eye I guess. But we went ahead and registered at BabiesRUs and Target (and used a different mailing address) just in case people wanted to get us stuff and didn't know what we wanted/needed. We need lots of stuff since we were in transit a lot of the time that Jonathan was an infant, most of it is lost or packed away (lost) or we didn't think we needed it to begin with.
Now we know better! We NEED all kinds of stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stay off those feet, Little Momma! :)