Sunday, October 29, 2006

To UltraSound or not to Ultrasound

My doctor has been uncooperative about granting me another ultrasound since the one I had at 18 weeks.
Could it possibly be that I have been uncooperative myself?

I declined to do one of the "optional" blood tests to see if the baby would have a possibility of having Down's Syndrome (at least I think that's what it was all about), I got a little pre-occupied with my son in the hospital and pretty much forgot to do the Glucose tolerance test for 2 months or so and now I can't be bothered to know the results.
The 1st optional test was one that made Eran crazy last time waiting for the results and I just couldn't put him through all that again - even early on in the pregnancy. To alleviate his fears, I strongly suggested that I wanted to have the CMV screen done - which is not usually done here in the USA and the results were as they should be - my levels were whatever they needed to be so that this pregnancy had no potential of having THAT particular problem.

And since I think I can pretty much pin-point the day and time the baby "dropped" (3 weeks ago Friday about 11:00 AM after having a particularly uncomfortable morning at work - not being able to breathe or sit comfortably - and coincidentally the day I realized that those feet that I thought were trying to come out my nether regions were probably actually contractions) Then all of a sudden everything changed and I felt a whole lot better and could actually breathe again.

Also, being that at the first ultrasound everything looked good and the baby is apparently in the correct head-first position (the doctor can feel it) and there is no bleeding or unbilical cords poking out anywhere, there seems to be no medical reason for another ultrasound.

I just can't get over the fact that I had SO many with Jonathan (every week twice a week for awhile) and now I am going through a whole uneventful (thank G-d) pregnancy on just the one major one (and the one confirming there was a peanut with a heartbeat a few weeks in).

I did have slightly elevated blood pressure (160/90) this last visit but I blame it on the 3 pickle slices I ate with my ice cream at 3 AM the night before (typical cliche pregnant-woman-diet remarks are not funny!!!), not to mention the cup of instant Ramen noodles I had for lunch the same day as my appointment. And by the time I saw the doctor 15 minutes after the nurse had checked it, my BP had dropped down to 130/90 which is much more my level.

So it was a minor blip and we continue on our merry way - me bringing in a list of questions to the doctor's office because I have pregnancy brain (a lot) where this little angel takes over all my brain power and I lose my train of though mid-sentence or worse!

So the doctor's parting words after commenting that:
1. I shouldn't get a flu shot at this late stage because it has the potential of putting me through undue fatigue and she wouldn't want me tired if I did go into labor at this point
2. she expects a very busy week as she has a few patients who are all right around delivery - I'll comply and wait a few more weeks for all our guests to arrive thank you very much
3. I CAN work until the very end as far as she is concerned
4. I would surely know if my water HAD broken, even if it was a minor trickle that I attributed to my lovely intermittent, uncontrollable hot flashes
was 4. "see you next week, if not before."

Some sense of humor - this doc, but like she was recommended to me by a very pregnant (or rather just delivered) mother, I recommended her to someone else this week - Hope she has room for new patients cause I can really appreciate the fact that she takes the time to listen to all my inconsequential pregnancy fears even though she's heard them all a million times at least.

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