Friday, October 20, 2006

We live at the doctor's office

Once again I was proven wrong...

What a waste of time at the pulmonologist.
She didn't order an x-ray since we just had one 2 weeks ago, she glanced breifly through his x-ray record in the computer, asked how he was doing in general, listened to his back and chest, came to the conclusion that his current cough is a head cold or virus from daycare, didn't come down on his asthma medicine (which I keep forgetting to give him anyway) and just told me I should contact my pediatrician for a pediatric dose of the flu shot since they were out at the clinc. Then she told me I should get one too as pregnant women are in the highest risk category and get priority.

I still think she's great, but I am not sure I am completly satisfied with the fact that since she was in clinic during the time he was in the hospital (she was the one who had him admitted) we didn't see her or hear from her even once. This time our pediatrician didn't come to the hospital either, but he did call a few times to get a status report.

What is it about me and doctors. I don't seem to like the ones I choose to use, but I feel guilty about leaving them.

What will I do about the new baby? We'll need immunizations and well baby visits pretty soon after the arrival I'm sure. Guess that's just one more thing I'll deal with when we get there.

My doctors appointments are going well though. There is definitely some positive movement in the direction of the things considered. I can pinpoint the day and almost even the time that the baby dropped - about 2 weeks ago. The baby is in the correct position (head down) and the discharge is not bloody so there is little chance that the umbilical cord or placenta are in the way of the baby. Which basically means there is no medical reason for me to have another ultrasound - despite the fact that I ask for one every time I see her.

I forgot that we listen to the fetal heartbeat at every visit too - that to me is not as much of an indicator as an ultrasound that everything is as it should be.

This last appointment went really well - The doctor was REALLY far behind.
I was scheduled at 3:20 and didn't even get called back there until after 4:00. She offered to give me a little Pitocin and get this show on the road - she seems to think that the baby is just going to pop out easily and quickly (and I am beginning to think she may be right) but then she realized that we're barely at 36 weeks and thought that maybe we should let those lungs mature just a little bit longer. I'm all for that!!!

I also asked her what happens if she personally can't deliver my baby. So I found out that she doesn't work weekends (she just had a baby herself in August) but that she won't leave at 5 on the dot if I (or any other patient) is pretty much ready to deliver. She assured me that the staff was magnificient no matter who did the actual delivering. It just made me aware that she probably won't be the one to actually deliver me since this has been such an uneventful pregnancy unless I happen to fall into labor exactly when she is on call at the hospital and not seeing other patients and if it is not 3 in the morning. I really should call Fran = I mean Dr Ivker and see how this is supposed to work and what I should be mentally prepared for even though that is never exactly what happens.

We went out for dinner tonight and despite the fact that I was doing the pregnant lady waddle all day long on account of my terrible shoes, swollen feet and painful back and jabbing pains in my nether regions (and not necessarily in that order) - my ever loving family took great pains to laugh at me as I waddled up the walk to the door of the apartment after parking the car. I did however make the driver let me out at the door of the restaurant and then fetch the car to pick me up. Then since I was wearing brand new fat jeans, they had to comment on how fat they made me look. Fashion tip from one unfashionable very pregnant lady who was just happy to find something different to wear - large women should never wear front pleated bottoms (skirts or pants) it just adds to the very obvious problem areas.

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