Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fall Festival

Sunday we went to a Fall Festival thingy at Godwin Park.
What fun to be had!!!

This is a Polaroid of Jonathan that they took for us to make him a Kid ID safety kit or something like that with a DNA sample and fingerprints and the like.

Eran just loves this picture so I thought I would post it.
Comments are always appreciated.

There was free popcorn and cookies and soft drinks to be enjoyed by all alongside the pavillion basketball courts which were converted into a makeshift stage for the local elementary and junior high schools bands, jazz ensembles and the like to perform.

Also there were clowns making balloon animals next to the face painting.

And there were bouncy things - a tiger striped moonwalk (Jonathan's not too big on jumping yet) and an obstacle course thingy that was more suited for bigger kids but didn't stop my fearless wonder one bit. He just had a boost up to the top by one of the bigger kids and he had no problem sliding down.

And of course, lest I forget there was the petting zoo where I made Bubbe go in and chase after him. Not to mention the attraction of the slides and other outside climbing things that are there all the time. Aunt Carol was kind enough to chase after him on that one. He's not too big on the swings anymore though - he'd much rather run and be active on the other things.

We've taken Jonathan to that park on several other Sunday afternoons and he always loves it. Only once have I found something disgusting in the rocks that cover the entire playground.

I have some pictures, but I need to scan one (see above) and get the others developed first. Am on my way to do that now (still hasn't happened yet - three days later)... more later.


Anonymous said...

I had great fun watching Yoni go from one thing to another on the slides and things. Thank you for inviting me. By the way-Yoni's first animal to pet was a pregnant goat.

Anonymous said...

glad you got to take the youngin to the park. it sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. wish we could have been there.

brenda said...

Now you can see Jonathan's balloon sword and his mega-watt smile :)