Tuesday, November 13, 2012

kids' acheivements

Nov 13: thankful today that in the midst of 3 meetings and stomach issues and myriad school drama (I also forgot to sign up for teacher conferences in addition to the other nonsense that is going on) I remembered to send in the consent form for my son's poster contest.

turns out he is a second level finalist in a national tikkun olam poster contest.
If I understand correctly that is in the top 50 of all the submissions.
I am super excited for him.
He may even win an ipad - wouldn't that be awesome.
I think the top 12 winners get one.

When I called his art teacher she hadn't been informed and we were both excited.
So she sent me a pic of it...

It also said to list the community rep on the consent form  if we wanted to make it known in the community.
So, I made a few calls around and finally got to the correct person at the federation and now she and the art teacher know. The federation rep even made mention in our phone call that he may get an article in the JHV.
Of course, I was kvelling. what mother wouldn't be and I even got so excited because he just had a haircut so he'll look respectable if they do decide to do the article :)

I couldn't be happier to give my permission for my child’s poster to be included in the second level winners’ category of the Make-a-Poster Contest 2012.
·         I understand that my child’s poster, first name, age and possibly the submitted description, may be used in connection with external communications about the Make-a-Poster Contest 2012 or posted on www.voices-visions.org

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